Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

As a singer, I want my demographics to be everyone. But, I also must recognize who actually likes my style. Is it the dorky white kids like myself? Or is it a mix of everyone together. Marketing on a musical aspect can be quite tricky, because no matter the color of someone's skin, you can't exactly tell what it is that they listen to. You can however, always venture a guess. And, for me, to guess is also taking too much of a risk. Although I'm all about risk and reward, it feels too prejudice to just venture a guess to see if the Latino market even cares to hear what I have to say. I'm more about doing and finding out who it is that actually feels what I do, and wish to do as a living. The truth is, if one group of people feel what I do, then they will simply support me. I've been to open mics, and I usually get a very positive response from the entire crowd, regardless of race/creed/color/etc. But, maybe it's just myself trying to be the happy upbeat person I see me as.

Frankly, you never know until you try. And, as the last post suggests, you are still tied down to a certain type of system to work within your means. If you are white, you are clearly given a larger advantage against someone who may be Latino. Unfortunate as it may be, we all must deal with these struggles on a daily basis and look around the color of our skin. The beer commercials and audio clips about how Mexicans like to drink beer is almost laughable to me. Because, EVERYONE LOVES BEER. And, if you're an exception that doesn't like it, it has nothing to do with your skin, but more so your personal preference. The closer we being to see beyond this color barrier, the more successful we will become.

I can certainly curtail to specific demographics, but I would never want to box myself into some sort of definition, where I cannot expand on something I put my heart and soul into. I simply want to do me to the best of my abilities. And if Mexicans love it, then great. If they don't, that's okay too. The less you worry about what people are thinking, the more you can focus on being a good human being and seeing what you can create for every group or sect of people. There's a reason why people like Michael Jackson touched so many lives in his career. There's a reason why the entire world knows who he is. And it's because he saw beyond color. He saw the world as the world, and not a giant piece of land we can all divide ourselves amongst. And what did mass media and police do to him? They broke him down and plastered as much as they could to still have some sort of social divide. But it's not the way to live, ever. And, until we as a whole can work to this, we will forever consume ourself with how many Latino votes we can get, how many black votes we can get, and how many white votes we an get, and how many Asian votes we can get. But, that is not the answer. The answer is to love. So, for me, loving thy neighbor, regardless of skin color is where it begins.

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