Thursday, February 14, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Me times 3

For starters...I am a human being. For so long I ignored the fact that I am not only an individual, but I also posess the same qulities outside of my personal talents as everyone else. I have a beating heart like everyone else, and a passion for art and leisure just like any other human being. But what is it that separates me from the pack of simple human being chemistry, and shows my qualitative support as an individual?

To begin, I am an atheist.  I'm a very firm observationalist when it comes to science and the know. I have read books on evolution out of pure joy, because I know in my heart this is the most truest form of "where are we from". I enjoy hours upon hours of documentaries that touch bases with why people choose religion over fact, nova science docs, the beauty of evolution, and any and all documentaries you will find on the universe and it's existence.

Secondly, I love human interaction. As a sort of action to break out of my awkwardness/shyness shell, I try and force myself into small talk with every person I see. When you give me the window, which is our eyes meeting, I try my best to ask you, "How is your day going?" And usually, I receive a similar response from everyone, however, this is merely the starting point of a small talk. I can then react to your response in however you posed your answer, and usually get a good smile from the counter party. I really enjoy human interaction, as shy as I may seem. And, in doing so, it helps me become more comfotrable with talking to people. You would be surprised at the fact of who you can become by simply asking people small questions. And I enjoy filling their buckets with compliments, so they can in turn, go home and fill other's buckets with positive influence. I truly believe what you put out in the world, you will receive back in one way or another.

And finally, I am a great boyfriend. The more I tend to my girl's needs and wants, and the more we talk and interact and do fun things together, the better my abilities become at being that great significant other she needs. I really love this woman like my own mother. She's the first I can say that has meant this much to my well being. The happier I can bring her, the happier I am. We started dating a year ago and it continues to get better day by day.....Today for Valentine's day, I brought her flowers and chocolate dipped strawberries into her work at the Mandalay Bay(I was stopped 3 separate times by employees in the hotel telling me those flowers are for them lol), and she absolutely loved all of it! I just love being a good guy, it makes me feel happy when I know I matter to other's well being.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

EOC week 5: My favorite Superbowl Commercial

Hands down, it would be the one Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd was in together. I am a huge fan of both of those actors, and am proud to see they have climbed the ladder to such a peak where they are the star of one of the last commercials they aired during the game. They were pitching a new phone by Samsung, and were very comical throughout the entire duration of the short film. I suppose that's what you should be calling most of these commercials during the Superbowl season, short 1-2 minute films. Watch it and laugh :)

Week 4 EOC: The unthought of App

How many times have you sat there at your phone and thought,"I wish I had an app for that."?

I would guess a few dozen, at least.

But what app would you truly want to pursue as a means of development, and possible revenue maker, in the long run?

For me, as a personal gain towards something I wish to be as a career, I would develop an app for myself, or maybe a band I were in. Inside the application, you would find information about the artist at hand, what he is in the makes of developing, any blog entries he has, places of appearance, various social medias and music downloads, and of course ticket sales and merchandise. Having all of these facets of an artist/band at one main hub would help generate revenues for not only an indie artist, but also make for great advertising.

You cold also require those downloading the app to signup for a mailers list for all/any updates. This gives you a great avenue of building a contacts list when promoting certain projects every year.

With the beauty of the information technology age, we can link and develop so many ideas together to help push whatever career it is we are thriving towards. Even if you are a plumber, you can put all types of information regarding you as that profession. You could post your resume up and give pictures of good jobs you have done. basically building an app as your virtual resume. It could be the wave of the future as how someone is hired. Just download my app, and you can have everything I am trying to give to world to help it become a better place.